Wickenburg was founded in 1863 on the banks of the Hassayampa River. It went through many trials and tribulations in its first decades, surviving the Indian Wars including repeating Indian raids, outlaws, mine closures, drought, and a disastrous flood in 1890 when the Walnut Creek Dam burst, killing nearly 70 residents. In the 1950s and 1960s it capitalized on its western heritage becoming the “Dude Capital of the World. To this day the strong western vibe can be seen through out the town.
Photographer Werner Segarra work, Cowboys from the Cross of the Devil transports us into the hidden world of the vaquero from the Sonoran region of northern Mexico. Through Portraits of place, work, and community, Segarra brings to vivid life this emblematic figure of the desert frontier. I was impressed sharp detail in the photos that are 3 to 4 feet across. Our guide told us that Wener uses a Danish Phase One medium format camera.