
John's Beachingcombing Museum

Deep, dark, and mysterious. Most people think that whatever falls into the ocean is lost forever, but not John Anderson. Born and raised in Forks, he spends a lot of time walking the beaches of the Olympic peninsula. When he was 22, he picked up the Holy Grail of beachcombing, a Japanese glass float – and from that moment, he was hooked.  What you see is 48 years of weekly collecting trips. He says doesn’t use a metal detector when he goes beach-combing, just his eyes. He takes whatever he can fit into his backpack. But there’s some treasures too large. The stuff that doesn’t fit in his backpack gets loaded up in his truck. The really big stuff, he flies it out with a helicopter. 

John's most prized possession is the one of a kind dumbbell 
shaped glass float in the lower right corner 

"Sea Beans" from the tropical forests of South America

Don checking it all out

John conversing with Don and Jane

The gangs all here.

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