Parque Natural Mexiquillo


Mall Crawl

With rain predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday, we decided to view the outdoor memorials today.

Taking the Metro downtown

Learning how to buy our tickets

A great way to get around Washington

The Smithsonian Castle

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial was modeled after the Pantheon in Rome. It was built between 1938 and 1943, amidst the Great Depression and WWII. It completed the McMillan Plan, which sought to balance four points in the DC city plan with major structures, the Lincoln Memorial, the US Capitol, and the White House.

The original 19 foot statue was plaster, but when wartime restrictions on metals was lifted, Jefferson was cast in bronze, 1947

How cute

Dennis, Adele, Garth

George Segal sculpture of men waiting in a bread line

A farmer and his wife represent the struggles  of the American farmer

Words are soooo powerful

Martin Luther King Memorial

The Martin Luther King Memorial was opened in August 2011

Korean War Veterans Memorial

Stainless steel soldiers on patrol.

Faces of over 2,400 support staff - nurses, soldiers, airmen and others - are etched into the polished 164 foot wall.

Then Lincoln Memorial 

Vietnam Memorial

The Three Servicemen's was created by Frederick Hart

The names of more than 58.000 men and women killed or MIA in Vietnam

A sculpture dedicated to the services of the nurses who saved so many lives

There are 24 bronze panels that depict scenes and events of the war effort.

 A long long walk. Tomorrow the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.

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