
Primordial Flora

A heat wave has attacked New Hampshire, its in the sixties today. I took a walk in shirt sleeves for the first time in weeks. Felt great not to be all bundled up.

Lilliputian gems enjoyed during my walk.


Winter's Lurking

My care package arrived just in time. My sister shipped my down jacket and slippers just in time to fend off the New Hampshire cold.

We awoke to winter's first freeze

And what goes with a winter snap like cookies and milk?

Linda's delicious beef stew and corn bread.


Colorful Splender

Every time you look out a window or drive to town, the hillsides seem to grow more spectacular by the hour. My iPhone does little justice to this fall splendor.


Antique Auction

Linda and I went to a local antique auction today. Linda has a large doll house collection and wanted to look at a couple of doll houses that were up for auction.

The north west native art did not sell well in NH

Love this Chinese bird house

This Benjamin Champney went for $20,000.

This doll house had electric lights

Linda's doll houses are a cut above these.