
Awesome Family Time

I have been spending some quality time with my son's family in the bay area. He has two daughters, my special grandaughters Emma and Rachel. And yes mine are definitely cuter than yours.

This is Emma and my third puzzle of the morning. It was also the hardest, 100 pieces. Emma has a great eye for finding matching pieces.

While the girls are in school I pulled the and cleaned the house batteries. 

I made all the connectors shinny and bright. The electrons
really appreciate this.

Helping Rachel with her homework. 
Need I say, she is very bright.

Playing Pie in your face with Rachel. You use the spinner to tell you how many times you have to turn the handles. The number of turns it takes to release the hand varies. Quite often you get a wet sponge in the face. For more messy fun you can use whip cream.


Crotched Mountain

Tired of shoveling snow, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade. The local ski hill is just 15 minutes from the house. Very few skiers, make your run and get right back on the lift. Got to love mid-week skiing.

Beautiful view NH country side

Crotched mountain has a 1000 foot drop, not much by western standards. But a good challenge for an old foggie who hasn't skied in 7 years. Two hours in my legs started feeling like wet noodles. All and all, a very nice day.