
Mt. Lemmon

 Mount Lemmon, with a summit elevation of 9,159 feet, is the highest point in the Santa Catalina Mountains. Two day earlier a storm blew through and dropped some snow up there. We had a beautiful day to drive up and check it out. 

At the 4000 foot level, mostly cactus and some palo verde tree

Taking a short side hike

The flora is transitioning to oak trees

Getting higher and looking down at Tucson

More interesting rock formations

This guy was letting people view the sun. 
I saw sun spots and solar flairs that were larger than the Earth

There were many bicyclists climbing the mountain
The flora is now transitioning to pine trees

Someone is about to hit with a snowball 

The ski lift 8000 feet was offering ride 
up and down the mountain 

We had lunch at the Iron Door 

They served a sandwich named for me.
I did not have it. I sounded too spicy

It was a great day checking out Mt. Lemmon

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