Then we hit the completed highway. 100 km/hr and cruise control, easy drive all the way to Guaymas. We stayed at the Totonaka RV Park. They had a hot tub which felt wonderful.
Saturday we headed for Santa Ana. Again the toll road was great and we made good time. I was worried about getting through Hermosillo, but it turned out to be easy.
We hit an inspection station south of Santa Ana. A solider came in and opened some cabinets and drawers. We were through in 15 minutes. The truck line was two lanes wide and two miles long. It must have taken them hours.
We reached Sant Ana by noon and decided to head for Lukeville and cross today.
We arrived at the border in Sonoyta in good time, 3:15. But Mexico is always an adventure. Customs does not take the vehicle sticker off at the border here. We had to backtrack 18 miles to the customs station that does that.
With the sticker removed, we were back at the border by 5:15. It took us 15 minutes to cross.
Passing through Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.
Saturday night Boondocking just north of the park boundary .