
Going Solo

From Etzatlan the group will travel northeast and exit Mexico at Mission TX. I did not want to drive back across Texas again, so I have headed to Puerto Vallarta to visit with family. The my sister and I will go up the west coast to home.

What is wrong with this picture? Oh, no RVs to follow.

Highway 70 from Ameca to Puerto Vallarta is a wonderful drive. 

From Etzatlan to PV was 160 miles and 6 hours.

We passed hundreds of pilgrims bicycling to the church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Talpa de Allende

Some pilgrims walk and some ride. We also passed dozens of tour buses. 

After the turn off to Talpa we mostly had the road to ourselves.
Mascota in the distance.

Passage through Mascota was well signed and easy, if you don't count the teeth jarring cobble stones

We encountered some wispy clouds.

One of the things I liked about being solo was being able to pull over when I got a sting of cars behind me.  This is a great dive that deserves more time. I think 3 or 4 days would be great.


  1. Excellent, glad you enjoyed the drive like we did. Yes, last time we did it, we said i deserves more time!

  2. The benefit of this Lifestyle is being able to go your own way. Glad you are Enjoying the change of view.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

  3. Going Solo sometimes maybe good but not all the time. Specially if you're female. So, you should prefer to travel with friends.
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