Parque Natural Mexiquillo



We enjoyed Shanghaied in Astoria last night. It is a melodrama 35 years young about the days of yesteryear when Astoria was the shanghai capitol of the Northwest.

"Our original, historical, hysterical, musical melodrama is a family-friendly show, and gives you the chance to interact with the characters. Boo, hiss, cheer, jeer and throw popcorn."

The Astoria Column

The 125 foot Astoria Column was constructed in 1926 and named the Astor Column. One must ascend 164 steps to reach an amazing view of Astoria and the surrounding country. The spiral sgraffito frieze on the exterior of the structure is almost seven feet wide, and 525 feet long. Painted by Electus Litchfield and Attillio Pusteria, the mural shows 14 significant events in the early history of Oregon with a focus on Astoria's role including Captain Gray's discovery of the Columbia River in 1792 and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Ocean going vessels can navigate the first 100 miles of the Columbia.

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