Parque Natural Mexiquillo


Fort Mandan

The Corps of Discovery had expected to reach the Pacific before the fall of 1804. On November 2nd they reached the Mandan village and with winter was closing in, decided to winter over here. Lewis and Clark had their men fell Cottonwood trees along the river, using them to build triangular Fort Mandan. The winter was spent repairing equipment, making new, processing dried meats, etc and preparing specimens and notes to send back to Jefferson. Hunting and wood gathering were never ending tasks. On April 6th the Missouri was ice free and the Corps of Discovery headed West again.

How the Mandan Village might have looked

The enlisted men's rooms, their were three, look very comfortable 
until you realize there were around 40 men in three rooms. 
I was told there were lofts, but still very tight.

Enlisted men's quarters

A way to pass the long winer nights

Lewis and Clark's quarters

Guard room

The Mandan traded food for blacksmithing services.
 Six Cottonwood canoes were hewed in preparation
for their spring travels 

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