After a couple of days Josh at Bish's RV worked Serenity into their schedule. Thank you Josh. Towing Serenity from their parking lot where she was dropped by the two truck to a service bay unfortunately solved the problem. She started right up.
Mechanics report "Attempted to duplicate failure by performing a wiggle test on chassis wiring connections and removing specific fuses related to starting the unit. Unable to duplicate issue. On the PS of the engine found a wire harness that the loom had been melted from the exhaust. Reloomed the wiring and wire tied to a bracket on front fo the engine to keep away from exhaust"
With GREAT trepidation I head out for San Jose, where my son lives, expecting the engine to quit at any moment. The good news is I made it to San Jose. I am now in an RV Park, UGH!, searching for another Trek or a Lazy Daze. Both are very hard to find.