
Down & Out in San Jose

 After a couple of days Josh at Bish's RV worked Serenity into their schedule. Thank you Josh. Towing Serenity from their parking lot where she was dropped by the two truck to a service bay unfortunately  solved the problem. She started right up. 

Mechanics report "Attempted to duplicate failure by performing a wiggle test on chassis wiring connections and removing specific fuses related to starting the unit. Unable to duplicate issue. On the PS of the engine found a wire harness that the loom had been melted from the exhaust. Reloomed the wiring and wire tied to a bracket on front fo the engine to keep away from exhaust"  

With GREAT trepidation I head out for San Jose, where my son lives, expecting the engine to quit at any moment. The good news is I made it to San Jose. I am now in an RV Park, UGH!, searching for another Trek or a Lazy Daze. Both are very hard to find. 


Down Again

Camped above what is left of Shasta Lake, Ca

Heading north

Overnight at Seven Feathers Casio. Fire nearby


This is Serenity's third electrical failure in 1,500 miles. Driving along and then total electrical failure. Engine stops like a switch has been flipped. I am thinking a short. The previous  two times the shops got her running, but obviously they did not solve the underlying  problem.  Serenity has become a very fickle lady and can't be trusted. Her wandering days may be over. I am getting towed to Bish's RV in Junction City, OR.


Rugged Return to San Jose

The torrent of rain continued beating on our roof through out the night and into the next day. We took it easy, hung out playing games at the hotel. Later in the morning we learned that the bridge on the only road back to San Jose was impassible. 

A section of the bridge's deck at collapsed. 

If we waited for bridge repairs to be completed we would miss our flight back to Vallarta. Google maps showed that we could go south into Panama and then back up to San Jose. While considering our options, a nice Florida couple, frequent Costa Rica visitors, told us that Waze worked better than google maps in Costa Rica. We fired up Waze and sure enough, it showed a bridge 8 miles up stream from the route 36  bridge and a back country road north that connected back up with route 36.

We packed up and hit the road.

The sole surviving bridge. One car at a time could crossed the bridge.

And off we go into the jungle.

I don't think the downed power lines where active.

Its an adventure

Four wheel drive was a blessing.

After 18 miles on this two track road we reached route 36 and had an uneventful drive on into San Jose.

Eight hours later San Jose appeared on the horizon. 
This is normally a 4 hour drive.

Adios Costa Rica



 It was a drippy drizzly day driving south to Cahuita. 

Wide long load coming through.

One blade for a wind turbine

Bridge construction along the way

There will a very nice four lane highway all the way to Limon soon.

The next morning we awakened to a deluge of rain

We were used to short bursts of heavy rain, but this storm continued all day dumping more rain in 24 hours than all of the previous year.

We weren't going to let the rain stop us. We have four wheel drive.

We headed for the Jaguar Rescue Center. It was created by Encar Garcia and Sandro Alviani, both from Spain. They meet in Costa Rica and shared a passion for saving orphaned and injured animals

Many rescued animals are rehabilitated and returned to the wild. Others for various reasons remain guests at the Center.

These Spider Monkeys were kept as pets and never learned how to socialize with other Spider monkeys, so they would never be accepted by a wild troop if released. 

Neotropical Rattlesnakes

Ringed Tree Boa

Blotched Eyelash Pitviper. They also come in bight yellow and orange. 

This little guy has a busted wing.

White tail deer are endangered do to over hunting.

An Ocelot. Alas no Jaguars were in residence.



 We are off to the East Coast.

There are very nice toll roads here. We spent about $5 on tolls.

On the East side of the mountains that run down the middle of Costa Rica we passed through miles and miles of banana trees

This is the jumping off point. Tortuguero is only accessible by boat or airplane. There is a ferry service to Tortuguero for about $10 per person. For $11 dollars we hired a boat to take us directly to Tortuga Lodge & Gardens. 

The breed of cattle you see everywhere.

Homes along the way

The boat ride to the lodge takes about an hour. The dotted line shows the ferry route. If we had taken the ferry we would have had to hire another boat in town to take us up to the lodge.

Typically, you wash your hands at the entrance to a business.

Sunrise from our balcony the next morning.

Love the artful presentation

Breakfast is included. Everyone enjoyed the fruit plate. I also had granola and yogurt. Eggs, pancakes, and french toast were also on the menu.

Behind the lodge are trails through the jungle.

We spotted a half dozen of these red poison dart frogs.

Another visitor.

A Toucan feeding outside our room.

Bird nests adorning the palm tree.

Mr. Sloth hanging out behind our room

The resident lounge lizard

We went into town to check it out and have diner.

One gets a very laid back vibe here

Another very good day.

Our final meal at Tortuga Lodge.
A Calypso Band played during diner.